The Noonday Market Fuel and Convenience Store was opened by the Gun Lake Tribe of Michigan. Pride /prīd/ noun 1. a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from...
Strategic Planning Crucial for Tribal Economic Sustainability
“You have to make a long term plan for diversification, but it doesn’t happen overnight. It’s important to commit to the reinvestment necessary to accomplish your goals so you are not bleeding enterprises dry while on the path. [It’s] critical to continually educate...
What are you doing to prepare for the uncertainty in 2017?
There have been considerable concerns raised throughout Indian Country about the uncertainty that lies ahead in 2017 and what changes might occur in the coming year with the New Administration. Do you believe your tribal leadership aligned and positioned to overcome...
Self-Governance: A Challenging, But Strategic & Critical Pursuit
“Tribal self-governance is inextricably linked to economy,” says Tribal affairs expert Richard “Dick” Trudell, a Blue Stone Strategy Group Advisory Board Member. Tribal nations, their governments, and their people are connected in ways that are rooted in tradition,...