Governing can be difficult, but building leadership and organizational capacity is essential for the long term growth and stability of your community. Without a coherent vision or established priorities, even the best laid plans can be derailed.

That’s where Blue Stone Strategy Group can support your Tribe in reaching its fullest potential.

“Once you are in the hot seat of leadership, you instantly become so busy just meeting the day-to-day needs and current demands of your community, that many tribal leaders find it challenging to commit to planning for the future of their Tribe—for the next generation and the generations to come,” says Jamie Fullmer, Chairman and CEO of Blue Stone Strategy Group.

Our two-day Strategic Governance Work Sessions are designed to help create leadership, organizational and management systems that are crucial to sustainable growth in Native communities for the next five to 10 years, or even decades down the road.

“All of these areas, including infrastructure, housing, healthcare, education and business development are interrelated with government, so planning and gaining consensus across the board becomes crucial because you have a lot of stakeholders,” says Fullmer. “So you have to plan both horizontally and vertically with a vision for the future. It may not get done overnight, but proper planning will ensure that your tribe’s ventures have sustainability and consistency.”

By identifying your strengths and challenges and determining what your short- and long-term priorities are, Blue Stone can help you create an achievable plan with clear action steps and accountability built into the process. Our strategic governance work sessions allow tribal leaders to focus their intentions, to identify their priorities and to work together toward the next stage of growth.

(For a more comprehensive list of our completed projects, please click here.)

We have supported many Tribal Nations over the last 12 years with our Strategic Planning Work Sessions. These tailored sessions are developed specifically for your tribe. The outcome from this initial planning process is a solid baseline for developing more comprehensive plans or can be used as the Tribe’s strategic plan.

Blue Stone would be honored to assist your Tribe in developing a strategic plan to help in moving forward with capacity building and economic development diversification.

Call us today at (949) 476-8828 or email to schedule your work session!