90-Day Funding Report Identify funding opportunities for your Tribe. We have complied funding opportunities that Tribal Organizations are eligible for. We have also highlighted specific opportunities most useful for Tribes. This Grant information is subject to change...
Navigating the Federal Grant Windfall Infographic
Infographic - Navigating the Federal Grant Windfall Grasp the Federal Grant Windfall using this Infographic. We put together an infographic that will help your Tribal leadership quickly grasp the American Rescue Plan Act and Infrastructure Act opportunities. Includes:...
Toolkit – Community vs Economic Development
Toolkit - Top 3 Priorities A guided discussion to bring clarity into your planning. A thriving community makes investments in community projects as well as economic development. Understanding the nuances between the two is important. The aim of this toolkit is to...
Worksheet – Plan on a Page
Worksheet - Plan on a Page Quickly create a plan for a project. The aim of this toolkit is to quickly identify the next steps and plan a course of action for a given project. This is designed to give a high-level overview that highlights the goals and anticipated...
Toolkit – Top 3 Priorities
Toolkit - Top 3 Priorities Align your community and economic priorities. It can be hard to get things done when your leadership can’t agree on priorities. The aim of this toolkit is to facilitate alignment between Tribal Leadership by focusing on the feasibility and...