Launch of Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund for Tribal Governments
August 1, 2022

The U.S. Department of Treasury recently announced the Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund for Tribal Governments launched under the American Rescue Plan Act. There is $250M eligible for Tribal governments for 2022-2023. Under this funding, Tribal recipients have broad discretion on use of funds, similar to the ways in which they may use funds generated from their own revenue sources. 

Tribes must request funding by October 31, 2022 in order to be eligible. 

If an eligible Tribal government does not complete its submission by this deadline, the Tribal government will not be eligible for either the first or second payment under the LATCF. The first payment will be available immediately and will be made to Tribes on a rolling basis. Second payments are expected after the start of the fiscal year 2023. Reporting guidelines and more guidance will be released soon.

How to Request Funding

Eligible Tribal governments may log in to the Treasury Submission Portal to review their specific allocation under the program. They will be required to complete payment information, sign a terms and conditions agreement, and certify the Tribe’s economic conditions.