The Noonday Market Fuel and Convenience Store was opened by the Gun Lake Tribe of Michigan.
Pride /prīd/
1. a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
At Blue Stone, we understand how important it is that tribal business and economic development efforts properly reflect the pride of its Nation in Indian Country. The people, the communities, the languages, the traditions―surrounded by breathtaking scenery―make each voyage unforgettable. Since 1998, we have been helping communities to develop and grow new economic opportunities through travel centers, fuel distributorships, smoke shops and quick service restaurants.
One of the things we realized early on about these operations is that these businesses don’t represent an individual or a family or a corporation, they represent a Nation that is steeped in the traditions of the past, yet forging a path towards a sustainable future. So, when these enterprises are developed and operated properly, they become an incredible source of community pride.
We have partnered with numerous tribes that have gone on to successfully operate new travel centers, smoke shops, quick service restaurants and even fuel distributorships and bulk fuel plants. We have also helped turn around several underperforming operations, restoring the pride the community once had in these businesses.
Blue Stone Strategy Group can help develop your C-store businesses or improve existing ones that create tribal member employment, new taxation revenue streams and strong profits, bringing economic change and stability to your community.
If you’re interested in developing new tribal businesses or if your current businesses don’t properly reflect the strength and the pride of your people, let Blue Stone help you build an economy fueled by pride!
Call today to schedule an appointment with our experts!