Funding Opportunity: Tackling the Housing Crisis in Indian Country
April 30, 2019

Important Advisory: A special Indian Housing Block Grant Program (IHBG) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFA) is scheduled to be published in the very near future. This competitive NOFA will provide Tribes and TDHES with an infusion of capital for new housing construction and rehabilitation.

One of the greatest challenges facing Tribal leaders today is the tremendous shortage of housing in Tribal communities across the country.  Many Tribes face some of the worst housing and living conditions in the United States. Overcrowding, dilapidated housing conditions and a lack of resources to construct new housing continue to devastate Indian Country.

Current estimates reveal a need for an additional 200,000 housing units in Indian Country. Statistics show that 15.9 percent of Tribal communities households are overcrowded, compared to 2.2 percent of the general population.

Blue Stone Strategy Group recognizes that one of the primary reasons for the Indian housing crisis has been the perpetual lack of Federal resources devoted to Indian Housing. The federal funding source for Indian housing, HUD’s Indian Housing Block Grant Program (IHBG), has been funded at the same level since its initial appropriation in 1998.

To put this in context, had the Federal commitment to Indian Housing simply kept up with the inflation rate, the IHBG Program would have been funded at $993 million FY19. In other words, the IHBG annual formula allocation would be almost 50 percent higher than it is now.

While the Federal commitment to addressing the Indian housing crisis has been inadequate, Tribal leaders like you have embraced a number of innovative housing solutions to address the enormous housing needs that face your community.

Blue Stone Strategy Group has continued to refine our housing services to assist Tribes in sorting out the many complexities associated with addressing your housing needs while also providing meaningful housing development options. Our housing team is experienced exclusively in the Indian housing field with extensive Tribal and Federal experience in this critical area.

We’d like to make you aware of a special Indian Housing Block Grant Program (IHBG) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFA) that is scheduled to be published in the very near future. This competitive NOFA will provide Tribes and TDHES with an infusion of capital for new housing construction and rehabilitation.

Now is the time to begin planning for this rare funding opportunity.

Blue Stone Strategy Group is prepared to assist in assessing your current housing needs and in identifying appropriate housing options for this competitive opportunity.

Thank you for your continued leadership and commitment to serving your community. We are  deeply committed to supporting Tribes in addressing the many housing issues that you face.  Please  contact us at 949-476-8828 to schedule a conference call or you can email me at