Blue Stone founder Jamie Fullmer Talks Tribal Leadership, Unified Vision, Master Planning & More
May 15, 2020

On the 11th episode of the Native Business Podcast, hosts Gary (Cherokee Nation) and Carmen Davis (Chippewa-Cree Tribe, Makah Tribe and Yakama Nation), the Founders and Publishers of Native Business, are joined by our very own Jamie Fullmer, former Yavapai-Apache Nation Chairman and current Chairman and CEO of Blue Stone Strategy Group.

The Davises and Fullmer cover a range of topics from the various challenges that face Tribal leaders, the need for organizational stability in economic arms of the Tribe, overcoming the ignorance surrounding Tribal sovereignty, to running a successful business as an entrepreneur and the importance of embracing technology for maintaining culture and advancing economic opportunity for future generations of Native people across Indian Country.

Listen to the full episode now: