Results for Washington tribe: Identification of new industry tribal career opportunities, small business development opportunities for tribal members, multiple complementary revenue generating sources and diversification opportunities.
Assessment of Increased Competition and Declining Revenues
Results for Idaho tribe: Identified more than $6.5 million in increased annual profit.
Casino and Hotel Efficiency Assessment
Results for Colorado tribe: $4.5 million increase in annual profit.
Casino Performance and Operational Efficiency Assessment
Results for California tribe: Identified more than $7 million annual increase in profit opportunities.
Player Tracking System, Casino Operational Efficiency Assessment
Results for Washington tribe: Unbiased third party findings provided tribal council the information needed in order to take action and install a player-tracking system.
Travel Center and Adjacent RV Park Assessment and Implementation
Results for Florida tribe: 320 percent increase in Travel Center and RV Park annual profits.
Assessment and implementation of Recommendations to Increase Profit and Tax Revenue from Two Tribally Owned Convenience Stores
Results for New Mexico pueblo: Increase of more than $4 million annually in new profit and tax revenue, and additional tribal member job creation.
Feasibility Study and Project Oversight for New Retail Center and Convenience Store
Results for Louisiana tribe: 120 percent return on investment and payback in just three years.
Assessment of Tribally Owned Travel Center
Results for California tribe: Identified $3.7 million annual increase in increased revenue to the tribal government.
Convenience Stores Assessment
Results for Washington tribe: Identified $1.9 million of annual profits and tax revenue increase.
Travel Center Operations Assessment
Results for Idaho tribe: Identified more than $900,000 per year in increased profits with a new fuel strategy and increased efficiencies from daily operations.